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Here at Little Leo's Nursery we use the Early Years Log System (eyLog) to observe and plan for the children's learning and development.  We believe that using online learning journeys will allow both partnerships with parents and to help us plan for your child's development, and of course a wonderful keepsake for you to share with your child.

The eyLog assists with the process of recording observations, assessing your child’s progress and
planning activities for your child.  

We can share your child’s learning journey with you, increasing your involvement in the activities at the Nursery. Parents receive a unique login on the system and are notified automatically by e-mail as soon as a new observation is published to your child’s learning journey or when any reports are shared with you by the Nursery.  Using the eyLog makes it possible for you to contribute observations from home too!  Be it something your child does for the first time or during a holiday/vacation, making the learning journey even more comprehensive.

Security is of key concern at Little Leo's Nursery and the eyLog takes its security measures very seriously. eyLog offers fully locked-down secure tablet devices to ensure they are not misused in any manner - Facebook, e-mails etc are all disabled on these specially configured high-security tablets.  Each user has a separate user-ID and password and using a role-based access mechanism, a user is permitted to see only the information that is relevant for them.


The eyLog website ( has more information as well as a list of FAQs.  Please have a look to find out more.